Tuesday, June 2, 2015

#6 Share

Sharing is caring.

The first pictures or quotes kinda inspired me .

Make me realise that, yeah , its true. Every time we use erasers because we have make a mistakes.
When we use , its mean that we willing to correct our mistakes.
As a PR practitioner is also the same, we must always try the new thing. Who know that if the plan is going to work well?
Dare to be different and try new thing is the principal attitude a PR practitioner must have.

 Learn from your mistakes ! This is the way you can learn . You're okay to be wrong , learn from your mistakes, and make sure you won't repeat the mistakes again. Once you repeat, its not a mistakes, its a choice. Life is too long yet too short. Go through the high and low is the most meaningful things in life ( to me ). If we always get what we want , its kinda boring. If we have hard time , sad , pressure ,angry , happy, this is the most beautiful gifts god gives us.

Yes, most of the people having this problem. Afraid to make mistake, worried about how others look at us, worried about if i was wrong, do i have a second chance still , worried about is it okay to make mistakes.

This is something I need to learn. 



not related to assignment . just to share. :)

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